Joomla! Nice Google Ecom Tracking Documentation


  • You must have a Google Analytics account. If you do not have a Google Analytics account you can sign up for free here Google Analytics.
  • Google Ecommerce tracking needs to be enabled in your Google Analytics account. Learn more here Google Analytics Help.
  • You must have Google Analytics tracking set up on your Joomla website. If you do not have Google Analytics tracking set up on your site, you can download and install the Nice Google Analytics plugin for free at this location Nice Google Analytics plugin.
  • Google Ecom Tracking plugin works with PayPal Website Standard payments. You will need a PayPal Premier or Business account. Sign up for a free PayPal Business account here PayPal Business Account.


Set up & Configuration

1. Install the Nice Google Ecom Tracking plugin using the standard Joomla extension installation method

2. Go to Administrator>>Extensions>>Plugin Manager>>System – Nice Google Ecom Tracking

3. Select the Enabled option for the plugin.

4. Under the plugin's “Basic Options” parameters, enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID.





5. In a separate browser window, log into your PayPal account.

6. Go to Profile>>My selling tools>>Website preferences>>Update

7. Tick the Auto Return radio button to On.

8. Enter a default return URL for your site.

9. Tick the Payment Data Transfer radio button to On.

10. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

11. Go BACK to Profile>>My selling tools>>Website preferences>>Update

12. Under the Payment Data Transfer (Optional) subtitle, you will see the “Identity Token” label followed by a hash of letters and numbers.



Identity Token:NASDIO9FAKETOKENui098H4IyNDIOW89P7rse6Eiz-96GT3892hiosfDKIO26324VoA94


13. Copy the identity token hash to your clip board (do not copy the label “Identity Token”)

14.  Go BACK to Administrator>>Extensions>>Plugin Manager>>System – Nice Google Ecom Tracking

15.  Paste the PayPal Identity Token in to the plugins “PayPal PDT Authorization Token” field.

16. Save your changes to the plugin.

17. Done!


IMPORTANT: In order for Google Ecommerce Tracking to function properly, you will need to ensure that your PayPal buttons take the buyer back to a return URL or thank you page on your site. All return URLs from PayPal (thank you pages) must be append with the URL parameter “&utm_nooverride=1” (without quotes), or “?utm_nooverride=1”, if utm_nooverride is the only URL parameter included in the return URL. Use the plugin's “Append Return URL” setting to automate this process for you. You can read more about this setting below.

If your PayPal Buttons do not have a return URL specified, the plugin can specify a default return URL automatically. Please read more about the “Default Return URL” setting below.


Optional Plugin Settings

PayPal Test Mode

Setting this parameter to Yes, tells the plugin that you are using the PayPal sandbox for testing purposes. This is needed for proper communications with the PayPal Sandbox.

IMPORTANT: When switching between PayPal and PayPal Sandbox (for testing), you MUST change the PDT Authorization Token to match the account you are using.


Append Return URL

In order for Google Ecommerce Tracking to function properly, all return URLs from PayPal (thank you pages) must be append with the URL parameter “&utm_nooverride=1” (without quotes), or “?utm_nooverride=1” if utm_nooverride is the only URL parameter included in the return URL. You can either Manually Append “utm_nooverride=1” to your PayPal button forms' “return” input value. Or, you can select Automatically Append (recommended) and the extension will attempt to append the return input value automatically.


Default Return URL

If Append Return URL is set to Manually or this field is empty, this feature will not be implemented. Enter a default return URL here. If a PayPal Website Standard payment button does not have a return URL specified, the extension will attempt to add this URL to the button form.


Business Name Override

By default the Nice Google Ecom Tracking reads your “business name” provided by PayPal and sends it to Google Ecommerce Tracking as the “Store Name” or “Affiliation”. Often times the business name may be your PayPal Merchant Id or PayPal seller's account email address. If you would like to override the business name sent by PayPal, enter your preferred business name (store name or affiliation) here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.